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CSM for quotation 2024
 Changing negotiation and quotation
CSM progress from 1988     CSM tools 2024       Consulting examples  
CSM for quotation makes double profit.
Clear Stream Manufacturing(CSM) is a scenario for changing business process and organization in the manufacturing companies. CSM shorten delivery time and create a lean structure that can adapt to changes in the business environment. Time, process and organization are visualized for KAIZEN.
CSM for quotation is an application of the "Top grade process" for negotiation, quotation, design and work instructions. Procedures and criteria of the quotation will be improved.
The effects obtained are
process speed of quotation is increased,
orders probability is increaded,
profit rate is increaded.
Quotation is directly linked to financial performance.
Quotation is the biggest factor that determines the sales and profits. Quality of information and standards for Quotation are directly linked to the operating results of the company. However, in many companies, quotation rely on intuition. Further negotiation, design and work instructions are not improved.
CSM for quotation improves negotiation, quotation, design and work instructions. This applies to companies that following problems have occurred.
It is taking time to Quotation work.
Prototyping and one-off products are many,
Quotes are written by only a president or a particular person,
Quotes sent to the customer are delayed,
Specifications that customer demand is not transmitted to the design and manufacturing,
Add or modify the specification occurs after receipt of order.
Visualizing negotiation and Flowing quotation
for quotation
Determine the measures and issues of negotiation
Collecting results and basis variables for quotation
Straightening information along process
Standardizing formula of quotation
PhaseTypical matters and objectivesStandard periodExample of tools
Visualizing negotiation Visualization information by "Business map"
Visualization information system by "System map"
Listing KAIZEN items
Collecting results and basis variables for quotation
1 month Business map
Information ystem map
List of issues and measures
List of basis variable for quotation
Flowing quotation Measures have been implemented, business procedures are changed.
The necessary forms and information system is modified.
Calculation formula of the cost and the selling price is determined.
New monitoring methods of sales and profit is determined.
2 months Business flow Statement
Information system change manual
Form Changes list
Cost calculation formula and the selling price calculation formula
Performance management table of sales and profits
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ALBS Representative:Wakatsuki Naoshi 1-23-18,Yabe,Chuouku,Sagamiharashi,Kanagawaken,Japan